Today Changes Everything
So I walk with a smile plastered to my face - painted on like a clown - but ever so genuine. Not fake or forced; just sincere. I can't help courses through my veins so strongly electricity. It is desire destilled and sold. It is power without corruption. Riches without money. Pure. Oh, how refreshing it feels to be pure. To feel something pure. Something raw and unforgiving...yet so gentle and accepting. I'm punch drunk and reeling; sitting down doesn't stop the world from spinning.
The pause of a breath; sometimes it's better to not think. Sometimes it's better to run rampant - this is your life, take it! Hurrah! Hurrah! It is better to be laughable and silly than the feel the cold, hard logic bite at your fingertips. It is better to dance instead of walk. It is better to say 'I love you' than to hold it back. This is your life, take it! Hurrah! Hurrah!
A lot of these feelings are beyond description...beyond limitation...somehow the words slowly sink out of fingertips in bursts of muddled inspiration. "I can barely breathe let alone speak." A million right words teeter on the brink of collapse...a gate of clarity. I know that you don't understand what I mean; that's okay. I don't understand either. I'm not trying to understand. I am so content just falling freely over the waves and passing whirlpools...I floating in harmony for the first time in a long time. How good it feels to not live in discord.
I'm finding a lack of inspiration today; I can't even find the right words to say anything. Maybe more later.